Monday, January 28, 2008

Pruning Trees & Politics

I woke up this morning thinking about pruning the apple trees down by the pond. Yes, mom, I know that no one over the age of fifty has any business being on a ladder, and of course I don't have the strength to wield saws or pruning shears yet. Maybe next month.

Last January, Alex and I started what I had thought would be a 3-year plan on getting those old trees back into shape. As I walk down each morning, the branches that should be taken off this year glare at me accusingly. I itch to remove them. Cut out the deadwood and crossing limbs. Give the tree light and room to grow. Eat big, juicy apples next summer.

I feel the same about politics. I know I said I was just going to go do my civic duty and forget about it, but I'm still sighing and shaking my head over the absurdity of it all, just like the apple trees. I spent last evening catching up on the news and commentary, and trying to rekindle some interest at least in the process and the unique tenor of this ka-razy presidential race.

Instead, I found the best piece I've read lately on the subject, by one of my very favorite authors, Andrew Ferguson. If you'd like a little history and a little chagrin over what our political process has become, as well as seeing some of the best writing ever done, you can view it at:

And so, on to more doable tasks...

1 comment:


Thanks for the political link - very good, very good. I did my civic duty Saturday with, unfortunately, lackluster. How sad that it has come to this.