Thursday, July 29, 2010

A Cool Breeze!

I was up at 6 to take Ozzy out, and to my shock, there was a COOL wind blowing in the backyard! Big, fat, COLD raindrops! I had forgotten what it felt like to be outside and not sweating to death, no matter what the time.

Alas, it was a limited-time offer. By the time we finished breakfast, it was sweltering and steaming again.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Where does the time go?

I look up and blam! Dog maintenance, Bill off to Illinois to visit his father, picking blackberries, making ice cream, reading, knitting, sleeping. A whole week has passed me by. Tempis fugit.

Bill is now home, Ozzy the Dog is settling in, and I take quick forays into the heat to do chores, followed by long naps on the couch in the air-conditioning.

Today, Bill has his Coast Guard physical and I go to lunch with friends. Tuesday, I work at the library/sweatbox (A/C still non-functioning). Wednesday, dental appointment. Thursday, I work again. Friday, I see the dermatologist. Is it any wonder that the days just march on without effort, and here we are at August?

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Welcome Ozzy!

Hello to the new dog! This is Ozzy, 8 years old, rescued from an elderly woman with dementia who forgot to feed him and his sister. They were down to 36 pounds when found. Now Ozzy comes to us from a 4-month foster in Wisconsin--a healthy, happy 55 pounds. He's settling in and starting to adjust to us--and we to him.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Bill comes home to TN

The plane from Atlanta was delayed. Of course. Bill ended up flying for more than 30 hours before he finally was released from the clutches of air travel. We got home around 2-3 am, the only car on that lonesome highway in the dark. Even the deer were asleep.

I have to go to work today and slog through that hot-humid veil of tears without a nap. How will I ever survive? Stay tuned...

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Bill is finally coming home!

Barring any unforseen snafus, Bill will be home Monday night! Poor guy has to bus to Fukaoka, fly to Tokyo, then San Francisco (getting luggage, clearing customs, then re-checking luggage), then Atlanta, and finally Tri-Cities. I don't envy him those flights, but I sure will be glad to see him at last.

It's been a little lonely around here without Mr. Bounder. I keep thinking I need to take him out, or feed him or play with him. Then I remember that he's at peace now, and he doesn't have to be afraid anymore. It was an interesting experience having a dog who thought I was his whole world (despite the fact that he didn't like anyone else). I've never had a dog that was so affectionate, so grateful for attention, so playful and cuddly. Granted it was a "I'll eat you up, I love you so" kind of love. He was a character.

So once again, it's a swamp-out-the-mess kind of day. Laundry, de-cluttering and vacuuming. I picked a gallon of blackberries yesterday and I will make a nice pie for Bill's homecoming.

I also experimented with making chocolate swirl ice cream and fresh peach ice cream. The texture was a little off on the peach, a little too icy, I suspect because of the amount of water in the fruit. But the flavor was fabulous. I'm not a chocolate fan, but this tastes pretty good, with hot fudge sauce streaking through the lighter chocolate ice cream. I'm learning new tricks.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Say Goodbye to Bounder

Many of you who have followed Bounder's crazy antics will be as grieved as I am today. The poor little guy has made terrific progress in some areas, but he has not been able to conquer his fears, and has developed an unpredictable, escalating biting behavior. Sadly, the American Belgian Malinois Rescue Committee has decided that because of this, he is dangerous to me and to others who come into our household, and they have decided that he must be put down.

After watching him with Ray and Elaine during their visit, and talking at length with people who know more about the breed than I do, I am forced to agree that poor Bounder can't be trusted anymore. Unfortunately, the popularity of this breed with law enforcement has led to many of these dogs being trained with inappropriately harsh methods, which can turn them vicious. Now that Bounder is "comfortable" (relative term) in my house, he is starting to revert to whatever was done to him in his prison guard training. He may have even been trained to bite aggressively on purpose.

I understand that this is a huge liability issue for the ABMC--if I or one of my household was seriously injured by Bounder, they would be on the hook. Bill also brought up the fact that they are also concerned with the breed's reputation--they have to cull the rejects, lest the breed itself develop a reputation like the pit bull has.

While he continues to be very affectionate with me, Bounder has been stepping up his aggressive behaviors in the past week. It's almost as if once he got a "taste" of Ray, he feels free to bite everyone, including me. This cannot be tolerated; it's just too dangerous.

The AMBC tells me I did everything I could and gave Bounder perhaps the only loving, stable home he had in his short life, but I'm not so sure. Part of me thinks I could have staved this development off, if I were more experienced. But I also have to be pragmatic and realize that this too is part of the fostering process. It's just sad that it had to be my first foster care.

On the plus side, AMBC is sending me Ozzy, also known as Rory next week. This malinois male is about 7-8 years old, very laid-back. He was rescued from a starvation situation when he was down to 36 pounds. He has been living in Wisconsin for the past four months, and has fattened up to 55 pounds now. Rory just needs to recover his muscle mass, have humans who love him and have a safe place for him to live a good dog life. This I can do. He is considered to be "hard to place" because of his age. He has no outstanding health or behavior problems, and AMBC is thrilled that I said I'd take him. They say that everyone who has come in contact with this guy just adores him.

So today will be a sad day. Bill is due home on Monday or Tuesday and we will do the dog thing together with a new foster.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Fourth of July & Blackberry Pie

Our Fourth of July Weekend:

Bounder was not too impressed with our houseguests. He bit Ray, growled at Elaine and generally made a nuisance of himself. Aw, but he looks so sweet!

Due to the plethora of blackberries ripening down at the pond, it was only appropriate that Blackberry Pie be made and consummed:

And we tried out my new kitchen toy, an ice cream maker! This machine is awesome! We made Blackberry Sorbet and Vanilla Ice Cream at the same time. To go with the pie, of course.

Ray, Elaine and I went to a Fourth of July party. It was hot. It was buggy. It was Tennessee in the summer:

Bill was supposed to be on a plane, arriving tonight. But his relief, Earl, failed to get on the plane in Medford, Oregon. Earl's photo is on a milk carton now. If you see him, tell him to get his behind to Japan, so Bill can come home!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

July brings cool weather?

It is a blessed 64 degrees out at 7 am this morning. What a relief! After 6 weeks of 90+ every day, today is predicted to get up to a manageable 84! And "only" 87 tomorrow.

If I didn't have to go to work, I'd be down at the pond picking blackberries. As it is, I have plenty to do. There are the usual first-of-the-month chores: Water softener maintenance, septic system maintenance, change the heat pump filters, check the UV water system, give the dog his monthly heartworm and tick preventative. Take my "bone-itis" meds.

Ray & Elaine are coming tonight, so I have to make up a bed for them, vacuum, put out fresh towels, clear off clutter from all the horizontal surfaces, think about what to cook for dinner, and move myself up to the loft for the duration of the visit.

And as soon as they leave on Monday, it will be time to get ready for Bill's return. He's slated to be relieved sometime between July 10-15.

Life is going to get busy.