Sunday, July 31, 2011

Day 6 - Still melting

Yesterday in Hats class, new friend Bonnie told me about her HVAC contractor after blanching at the price quoted for a new Heating & A/C unit. I called said contractor and gave him the salient details of what I had learned from my crash course on heat pumps from the internet: 2.5 ton, 13 SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating), 9 HSPF (Heating Seasonal Performance Factor) and he quoted me a rough price of $4,000 instead of $5,000. Awesome.

He is coming today to look things over. In the Tennessee way of having to have a social conversation as part of any business conversation, we found out that we are mutual friends of Joe K., who did a fantastic job on the bathroom renovation.

This means of course, that all those boxes in the basement must be moved, in order to get to the furnace. Also, a hole will have to be cut in the wall that was built after the furnace was installed in 1996--the wall that has the 24" doorway that no old or new furnace can pass through. So, I have my work for the day--the day off that I was going to spend sweating, watching the NCIS marathon and knitting flowers for tomorrow's class.


At least I'm blogging! Two days in a row. This may be a trend.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Crazy, crazy life as we know it...

Here it is, the end of July. I guess it's time for the ubiquitous recap of the reasons for not blogging since May:

  • Planted a major garden in pots on the porch and in the front beds. Zucchini, watermelon, beans, tomatoes, peppers, herbs, eggplant, lettuce, sweet potatoes and asparagus.

  • Mom came to visit in June. It was awesome to spend time with her. I drove to Charlotte, NC to pick her up at Cousin Mary's house, stopping first at Ikea to load up more shelving units for the store.

  • Revamped the store layout. Much hammering, assembling, lifting, pushing and shoving. We like it much better, have more space for playing and displaying.

  • Cousin Jean came to visit and we made pickled beets. Yum.

  • Harry never came back. Very sad. I liked the little guy and was getting used to him. It was like having a kid in college who only came home to do laundry. Sigh. Angst.

  • Bill repaired the rotting timbers in the bridge over the creek, sawing out planks from a fallen oak with a chain saw. Required moral support and meals. Also, much listening to his ravings on Fast & Furious debacle. Took a trip up to RURAL (and I mean really RURAL) Virginia and got lost, which was the objective. Went fishing at sunset. Had a birthday party for B. Spent much time laughing and enjoying our time together.

  • Record heat & humidity. Enervating.

  • Knitting samples every night, teaching classes every day, going to work 5-6 days a week

  • Internet satellite quit, requiring new installation with new company.

  • Met with the Conservation Resource agency about making our land into more habitat for native species.

  • Shopped for tractors.

  • Juli's husband, Kerne, became seriously mentally ill, requiring hospitalization in the psych ward. Refused further treatment. Got crazier. Juli moved out for her own safety and filed for legal separation after he spent all their money. Ongoing situation, requiring much parental worry and heartache.

  • Bill shipped out, July 22.

  • Ray & Elaine came to visit, then left for Vermont. They'll be back August 3.

  • Jean came for an overnight visit.

  • Met with the SBA rep and talked about increasing business, marketing options and cash flow.

  • Air conditioning quit 5 days ago, during a massive heat wave (upper 90s). Requires either a gigantic repair effort ($2000) or a massive new system ($5000), and even if we decide on which way to go, can't be scheduled until sometime next week.

  • Went to Morristown Walmart yesterday and bought two little window A/C units (one for bedroom, one for kitchen) to get the house temp down into the lower 80s.

Which brings us up to date. Today, I have a Hats Class at 10:30, and a partners' meeting at 2. Then home to my hot house for more of the same.

Praying for rain and cooler temps.