Saturday, December 4, 2010

Today is Baking Day!

Sister-in-law Kellie is coming over today to make candy & cookies with me. I'm planning on Cream Puffs (to be frozen), Chocolate Truffles rolled in festive toppings of nuts, colored sugars or cocoa powder, and chewy Lime Sugar Cookies. We will probably also make some breads to bake in little loaf pans. All this to contribute to our theme of "Homemade Christmas" this year. A minimum of purchased gifts, a lot of DIY goodies.

It seems as though everyone is feeling the pinch this year, and for me, the "joy of the season" is being with, and doing activities, with the family I love. I have no desires for any material goods. I thankfully have all that I need--health for myself, healthy and happy children, a beloved husband who has a job, an active and healthy mom who will have excellent vision again soon (cataract surgery is next week), a treasured brother, sister-in-law, and nieces who are all doing well and who I can have fun with. My bucket is full, and I'm grateful for it.