Wednesday, January 9, 2008

First Yoga Class

In my continuing quest to quiet my mind and heal my body, I went to my first Yoga class last night. Other than a few moves I could not do at all, it went pretty well, I think. I am no stiffer or sorer than usual upon arising this morning.

Picture a wobbly flamingo, that's me. No vision of grace, no smooth transitions of peaceful, flowing, supple body (more of a grunt, stretch, ouch, stretch again), but it was a start. I am hoping for a gradual return to strength and flexibility, and a better awareness of my body's capability and utility in its new form. Yoga apparently is also all about the breathing, and I hope to do better at that too. Last night, I was just trying to get through the hour without disgracing or hurting myself, and I don't remember breathing at all!

I'll try again tomorrow night and see if this is something I can do on a regular basis. At this point, I'm willing to try anything to get my sense of balance back, even if it means feeling ridiculous and awkward at first.

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