Friday, December 12, 2008

Projects: those completed & those as yet unfinished...

I took stock this morning on projects done, and those still pending. First, I have this delightful, misshapen little dishcloth for Kellie's Mom (I'm sticking to my story, that I meant for it to be kite-like):

Next is the scarf I am knitting for Bonnie, to go with her royal blue bridesmaid's dress--The sparkly blue fringey yarn will be woven into the outside edge, if this difficult-to-work-with-ribbon-yarn madness ever ends:

Here is the stole I finished for Angela to go with her bright blue (strapless) bridesmaid's dress:

And then there's the (deleted expletive) tutu--finished at last, and what a piece of work it is...

Then there's Tyra's scarf (also in blue tones, for her bridesmaid's dress) which is taking shape in my mind, but has yet to make it onto the needles. I'm thinking big needles, drop stitch, with loopy trim on the ends--in other words, a very fast knit.

Yesterday, we did another commissary run at Ft. Lewis. The checkout of 3 carts led to a breathtaking $700 food bill. I had forgotten just how much teenagers can eat! (My portion for the wedding was under $200). I still have produce to buy, but that will happen next Friday, so everything will still be fresh.

I can't believe we are just a little over a week away. Bill sounded a little more optimistic this morning. We're beseeching the heavens for his speedy return, and invite everyone to join in that project!

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