Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Wrecking Crew

Well, the boys are pounding away with their hammers and prying everything apart with their crowbars this morning.

There is something SO satisfying about watching something you hate go away!
They are leaving me the shower for the weekend, but the vanity and the toilet are gone. If they get far enough along today, they will temporarily hook up the new toilet, but if not, Echo and I will be "hiking" in the woods a little more often. It'll be like camping, right?
That big hole in the middle of the floor is the heater & air conditioning vent! (More evidence of the stupidity of the previous occupants and home "improvers"). It will be relocated to a more congenial spot over by the exterior wall, where I don't have to STEP ON IT every time I get out of the shower!
My mom asked me about color. I am still pondering that aesthetic. Fixtures will be white & chrome, countertops will be grey granite-like. This morning I woke up thinking about a muted grape shade for the walls. Does this mean I get to buy new towels too? I'll have to live with this initial idea for a few days, maybe go get some paint chips to mull over while I'm recouping.
I'm all set for surgerizing tomorrow. MaryAnn will pick me up around 8:30 am and drop me off for my mountains of paperwork and lab stuff. Hopefully, I will be done and out of there by 3 or 4 pm. It makes for a very long day for both of us. Thank you, thank you, MaryAnn!
And thank you Joe & Josh, for doing the bathroom wrecking! I can't wait for a clean new bathroom to use and enjoy.

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