Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Big News O' the Day

I am still working on Bill's computer, as mine is still at the geek-ward getting a new brain. In the meantime, I can't post pictures today of the most wonderous event of the week, the *Grand Opening* of the new Food City.

I had to go check it out, of course. The parking lot was jammed-full,and the store itself was full of Rogersvillians (Rogersvillites?) It was indeed a marvelous grocery store experience, full of proud-as-papa corporate-suit types wandering the aisles along with the rest of us plebes scoping out the deli, the produce, the bakery, the video store, the pharmacy, etc. I don't think I've seen that many of my fellow townsfolk in one place since the Fourth of July.

I'm pleased as punch that we have a truly modern place to shop on my end of town. You can even put your laundry in and go see a movie, all in the same vicinity!

Gas at Walmart was $2.71 today! Will wonders never cease?

My life is so exciting.

On the bathroom front, the tub is in place, the toilet is situated, and plumbing connections are scheduled for tomorrow. Life is good.

1 comment:


My, my, my, how different we are - LOL - they do say opposites attrack!!!! I wouldn't have attempted the "first day" of any opening around due to the fact of the enormous crowds. I'll just let you tell me how nice it was and then I'll send my husband there to shop.
