Saturday, October 18, 2008

Life with working GOOD!

I am so tickled to be back in the land of real plumbing. It was raining last night, and I was inwardly grumbling about going out to use the bucket, and then I remembered--I have a real
commode now! That's pretty exciting in my little world.

Today, it's back to life as usual. I have a veritable mountain of laundry to take into town and many clean-up chores to attend to before my houseguests arrive on Monday night. I can't really vacuum yet, as the floor is littered with power tools, tool boxes and fixtures, and the vanity is sitting square in my living room, but I can vacuum around all that stuff for the time being. Joe is taking the weekend off, and will be back Monday to put in the floor and start on the walls. I have no overhead lights in the kitchen or bedroom, as the lights for the bathroom are on the same circuit, not yet wired into outlets. But I can take a stab at decluttering the kitchen in the natural daylight today.

I finally saw something political that made me smile: The candidates' speeches at the Al Smith dinner on Thursday night. Both candidates were drop-dead funny and self-deprecating. They poked fun at themselves, their opponents, their fellow politicians and the media. I've come away with the feeling that we should not demand that our Presidential candidates debate, we should make them do stand-up comedy instead. It would make everyone feel better. That's what's been lacking in this whole process--a sense of humor. If you want a good belly-laugh, look it up on youtube.


1 comment:


I TOTALLY agree about the Al Smith dinner - very funny and all for a good cause!! What more could you want from politicians????