Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Vet, Round Four

Echo and I are off to the dog-doc again this morning.

She continues her lethargic behavior, and has now added spitting out all her pills to her repetoire. Oh, she looks apologetic about it, but she even refuses to take the pills wrapped in soft cheese, rolling the nuggets around, swallowing the cheese and ejecting the pills and capsules. I am at my wit's end.

Between her scratching and biting herself to distraction, it seems as though all I ever say to her is "Echo, STOP IT!"

I have to keep reminding myself that she is at least 11 years old (we think), and she may not recover from whatever is ailing her. We can't get the constant scratching under control without steroids, and we can't give her steroids without compromising her immune system, while she's still fighting the infection in her leg. And, she has a suspicious lump under the skin near her ankle, which may actually be the root cause of all of this. That's what the vet is going to check out today.

All I can do is wait and see. I am already steeling myself for bad news.

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