Thursday, September 4, 2008


I had a successful shopping trip yesterday.

Once again, I purchased another refrigerator-freezer combo. The freezer will be here on the 13th. The refrigerator will be here someday far in the future, date to be determined; at least it's ordered, so someone in Canada knows they need to make one for me. If it's not here by the time I leave for the west coast, it will be here when we get home in January.

I also had the opportunity to become educated in the mysteries of plumbing fixtures--tubs, toilets and sinks. I mean, how often do you buy a toilet? Do you even know a good one from a better one? So now I know what I am looking at and what I am looking for. I have succumbed to the idea that yes, every house needs a tub, and I even found one at a reasonable price that I liked. I did not get into the complexities of faucets, spouts and handles--I'll save that for another day when I have more energy. At least I know enough at this point to devise a budget for the bathroom project and I started tentatively picking out the pieces I'm going to need.

Today is clean-up day at the rental houses. Ray left a little bit of a last-minute mess when he went home to California, so I will go over and make sure everything is in good shape there.

And then there is knitting group tomorrow--something I always look forward to. So life goes on.

1 comment:


Back on your feet again - I'm so glad. See you tomorrow!!!!!!

L, M ;-)