Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Severe weather again...and a visitor

I really enjoyed the last two days of 70-degree sunshine. Now, we're getting the giant front that's sweeping across the south, bringing winter again. We're supposed to get a bunch of rain, with colder temps and maybe snow behind it. So it's back to being a hunker-down season.

Yesterday, as I was singlemindedly carooming down the driveway on the way to the post office, I was startled to come face-to-face with a BIG blue heron, standing in the pond next to the dock, as I drove across the dam. My presence didn't appear to startle him back, he just stood there and gave me his big, defiant, heron-eye. I wish I had my camera next to me--usually they take flight whenever I appear, but this time he just stood still and posed.

He's standing there eating my pond fish, of course. I was going to go to the Farmer's Co-op today, because the Farley's Fish Farm truck is coming this afternoon, and I wanted to get a few cups of minnows to start re-stocking the pond. Now I wonder if I'm just going to end up buying the heron a fish dinner. I like the fact that I have this amazing bird hanging out at the pond, but from what I've read, they can eat an astonishing amount of fish. Maybe I should think of it as a pet that I don't have to take to the vet and buy heartworm pills for?

If he (or she) is inclined to get all tame with me so close, I could live with that. But if it starts to invite friends over to raid the pond and stay up all night playing loud music, I may have to put my foot down.

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