Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Clean-up Day

It's been a very busy few days. Monday was all about the doctors, pap smear in the morning, unveiling in the afternoon. Yesterday, I was also running--to the post office, Fedex, the gun store to pick up a tonic that MaryAnn purchased for me on her trip to Sam's Club. In between, I've been packing up all the auction items I sold over the weekend and hassling with the gravel guy and the satellite guys. No time to sit and post anything!

Today looks like more of the same. I need to gather my trash and take it to the dump, and sometime this morning, I need to go downtown and get the blood tests my Nurse Practictioner
ordered for lipids, Vitamin D and blood sugar. So this is what getting old is like? The clock is ticking, I'm running as fast as I can, and I'm still falling behind.

My computer has some kind of downloading virus that I need to attend to, the bathroom needs cleaning and the dog is pleading for a walk with those big brown eyes.

Gotta run...

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