Monday, March 3, 2008

Busy Week Ahead

I don't know what to expect after the surgery this Friday, so I'm trying to get things organized enough that I don't have to do anything strenuous for the week afterward.

I've gotten back into the swing of eBay selling, and am busily shipping out boxes of stuff that sold this weekend. It feels good to be doing something again, especially to be making money again, and clearing out inventory from the depths of the basement. I seem to be classically inertial in this business--when I'm in motion, I want to keep doing it; when I stop, I dread getting started again. At least I managed to get going again, after a very long hiatus--until this weekend, I hadn't sold anything since last June, when I packed up the dog and drove west.

So, it's good to be busy. Feels productive and useful. I may not be posting regularly this week, because I want to get the house clean and errands run before I lose the use of my arms again. That may not happen, but I don't want to be caught unaware and get frustrated if I find I have to battle my way back to strength again after this latest surgery.

That said, I am looking forward to getting some of my issues with the original reconstruction resolved with the surgery on Friday. I'll have another 6 weeks to recover from that before Bill comes home, and by then, I should be in good shape to enjoy activities with him and the kids, when they come to visit in April.

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