Saturday, March 22, 2008

Another beautiful spring day in East TN

Wow, things are just starting to pop everywhere! Tiny violets, swollen tree buds, wild onions pushing up and out into the sunlight. I do adore spring here--it comes early, stays late, and delights the senses each new day.

Dave and I did go up to the Cumberland Gap National Historic Park yesterday, and tromped around the exhibits and trails. It was a great day for it--I even have a little sun on my face from all the outdoor activity.

Today--more sunshine, more fun. And a big Happy Birthday to MaryAnn too!

1 comment:


Thank you, thank you very much, as Elvis would say!!!!! And, thanks for the very appropriate card!!!!

Glad you had a good day. Just got home and plan on relaxing for what's left of the evening.

Talk to you sometime - M