Monday, November 5, 2007

OK, today's the day... get a grip on this moving around thing! I am bored with gliding, schlepping, tip-toeing, shuffling and scooting. I am annoyed with having to be careful with every single twitch of a muscle, and having to think through an entire series of muscle moves in order to get from point A to point B. Today I want to figure out a way to move without pain or the anticipation of pain.

I'm thinking I want to go home to TN tomorrow. That means I need to talk to people in plastics and breast center today, be seen by whomever before I go, and get times confirmed for next week's appointments.

I dreamt about having my hair washed. Maybe we can find a way to make that happen today too. Ah! The simple things in life are what I crave!

1 comment:


Angst, impatience, frustration -hmmmm - all good signs - shows you are on the road to recovery. :-)