Thursday, November 15, 2007

Asking for support for my friend, MaryAnn

My friend, MaryAnn, is having her reconstruction surgery tomorrow. For all who have been following my blog, I humbly ask that you take time for a prayer or a positive thought for my dear friend, who has been an invaluable resource, a treasured mentor and an inspiration for me these past few months.

Go get that secret BB Club decoder ring & membership card, MaryAnn, and we'll see you on the flip side!

1 comment:


Thanks Pam - I am definitely ready to receive my secret BB Club decoder ring and membership card. I still can't believe that you received yours first. Did you do that on purpose - now that we KNOW we are friends - has it turned into competition? ha ha ha - just kidding - you know me!!!!!!! I appreciate your kind words and thoughts. I'll let you know when it's all over.