Saturday, November 3, 2007

Discharge & "home"

Just a quick note to let you know I was discharged about 2 hours ago, and am now resting comfortably at Mark & Jo's house.

I've been eating non-stop since they sent me home. Bill fed me soup & bread & yogurt & more bread & more juice and...well, you get the idea. I hadn't had anything of substance since Thursday dinner--gingerale & graham crackers were the only palatable items they'd let me have. Yes, I'm taking it easy, but I'm HUNGRY!

Off to go nap. My roommate last night was a screamer and though her husband stayed in the room with her, ostensibly to keep her calm, he just slept through her screaming and snored all night! I had to get out of there so I could get some rest for myself!

I'm pretty heavily medicated right now, so there's no point in trying to describe anything from yesterday. Informational blogging will have to wait until I'm off the opiates. Nighty-nite for me.




What a night you must have experienced. I would have kept beeping for more "drugs" to keep me "away" from the screaming - geez!!!!!!

Take care of yourself and get back to Rogs-Vegas ASAP.

MaryAnn :-)

terry said...

Pam, I was so happy to read your blog...I was going to be horribly worried about you if none appeared. (As you may have noticed, I'm completely addicted to your blog.) You sound wonderful and brave and frankly, I expected at least a couple of days of Bill's writing while you were completely incapacitated by drugs and/or pain. You amaze me! Love, terry