Friday, August 8, 2008


There are plenty of things that need to be done, and guess again--I'm not doing any of them. Bill and I had such a good time together this past spring and summer, I'm finding it difficult to get motivated into this solitary lifestyle again.

I have yet to hear from said husband via email--my perception is that he's plenty busy dealing with shipboard stuff to get started on the once-daily uplinks that give me a structure to my day. He is exactly 12 hours ahead of me, and I could usually count on his emails written before he went to bed arriving on my computer just about the time I was getting up in the morning. But so far, nada.

In the meantime, the chores are piling up, and I'm sitting on the couch, watching TV and knitting. Not exactly a productive use of my time.

I'll have to do something about that. Maybe tomorrow.

1 comment:


Scarlett - I do believe you need a break, my dear. Just take it easy and when the mood hits, you'll know what to do!!!!!

L, M.... ;-)