Monday, August 11, 2008

Autumn in the air

The last two days have been wonderful--relatively dry, not so hot, a nip in the air in the mornings. I notice also that the days are getting just a little bit shorter--each morning the sun rises a little later than the day before (6 minutes later to be exact, if you are interested in that sort of thing). I've been able to shut off the A/C and open the windows to get some fresh air circulating through the house, and it's comfortable!

I am slowly getting back into a routine of sorts. Exercising on the elliptical, lifting weights, walking the dog, eating right. Back to selling retired items on eBay, doing small home projects and sleeping well for a change. I'm feeling good.

The spruce lignin the nutritionist recommended seems to be having a salubrious effect on my hot flashes and night sweats. I'm only getting up once a night now, instead of 4 or 5 times, and the daytime heat waves seem less frequent. Blessed relief!

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