Saturday, February 2, 2008

Where did that 10 pounds come from???

The last thing my surgeon said to me at my exit appointment in November was "Don't gain weight!" Not only is obesity a risk factor for breast cancer, but gaining weight after having breast cancer increases the chance of recurrence by some exponential percentage. No problem, I thought. I've got this down. I lost 30 pounds last spring, I am a fat-burning machine, I exercise daily. I can go and sin no more.

Today, 3 months after my mastectomy, all of a sudden there's an extra 10 pounds on my scale. I'm walking 1-2 miles a day, doing my stretching exercises, eating small portions. What happened here? My metabolism has ground down to a crawl, I'm craving sweets and starting to pack on the pounds again. I've developed those floppy "wing things" under my arms (how attractive, and just in time for those summer fashions)! I keep thinking if I could work out with my weights I could get this under control again.

Whatever it is, it's annoying and it can't be allowed to continue. I'm making a big pot of skinny chili today and going into Zen-mode again. Don't tempt me with your Super Bowl snacks, your Valentine's Day bon-bons, your Easter jelly beans.

I am a fat-burning machine...I am a fat-burning machine...

1 comment:


How funny and strange of our constant similarities. In the past year, I had lost 15 pounds during my "condition". I thought - wow, that wasn't that bad and really that was the good thing that came out of a bad thing. However, the other day I could tell the pants I slipped on were a little bit snug so I weighed and OMG somehow I have gained back 6 pounds. I watch what I eat and still.........not fair, not fair, not fair.....