Sunday, February 17, 2008

Looking for honest work...

I don't know whether it's the tamoxifen I'm taking or just a natural "let-down" of recovery, but I have noticed more disturbing tendencies toward boredom and depression this last week.

The only antidote I know is to get busy. Since I seem incapable of doing that here at home, I brushed up a resume and applied for a part-time job, two days a week in Kingsport, supervising drug screenings. We shall see if I have any marketable skills that the local economy wants.

In the meantime, there are plenty of projects that need doing around here--and I'm just not doing them. Daily, I manage to walk the dog and feed & bathe myself, but I'm having a hard time rousing myself to enthusiasm about anything else. This is my personal "danger sign," one that I've learned signals a warning to snap out of it and get going before I degenerate into total sloth, and by extension, despair and depression.

The whole week looks like it's going to be heavy on the gloom and precipitation. The weather really does affect my mood, so I'd better buck myself up before the rain and snow begin.

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