Friday, February 15, 2008

Bad Night in Seattle

Daughter Juli was taken to the ER yesterday, and was admitted to the low-trauma ward of U-W's Harborview Hospital last night. It's been kind of frantic around here with the transcontinental phone calls and mother-worry, hence the late post today.

The good news is that she is now recovering--from severe dehydration brought on by nausea and inability to keep anything down, brought on by respiratory and ear infections. They may keep her another night, but she seems to have bounced back after they pumped 4+ litres of fluids and electrolytes into her. They are treating her for presumptive pneumonia, but the chest X-ray looks encouraging, with only minor problems and no TB.

I don't think there's anything that compares to the heart-clutch you feel when your child is really sick. Being far away and knowing she's an adult makes it worse...there really isn't anything I can do for her other than trust other people to take care of her. I hate it.

It gives me a renewed appreciation for what I just put my own mother through. Thanks, Mom, for just holding on, even though it made for many sleepless nights, I know.

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