Friday, February 22, 2008

No Pain!

For the first time in more than almost four months I woke up yesterday without pain! It was such an odd feeling, it took me the better part of the morning to figure out what was different.

No pulling, aching, throbbing, burning or cramping underneath the right. I can move! I can breathe deeply! Wow!

The plastic surgeon said last month that I was at the "peak" of discomfort, just about 10-12 weeks after surgery, and that giving it a few more weeks might loosen things up and give me some relief. "Yeah, yeah..." I thought. Having lived in this state so long, I couldn't imagine what it would feel like to be without constant pain, and doubted that a couple more weeks might make it just magically disappear.

But here it is, with no warning or gradually lessening, just suddenly a second day of no discomfort. Maybe that stitch finally "popped" or dissolved, or did what it was supposed to do.

I'm thrilled and grateful. One more step toward moving on.

1 comment:


What an encouraging post - I'm so glad for you. Move on, dear friend, move on...................