Monday, February 16, 2009

Busy Monday

It's hard to believe how slothful I have become. Throw me a day like today, and I'll probably be collapsed on the couch by sundown.

First, I am off to one of the rentals to do some carpet spot-cleaning, then home to start cleaning up the house--Bill's cousins from Indiana are coming to visit on Thursday, and it's time to swamp out the living room again. Then it's off to Kingsport to Dr. H., to see if he can do something about the incredibly annoying, stabbing, burning pain under my arm.

I'll probably squeeze in a trip to Lowes, as I am looking for a new type of planter for my salad garden. Then I need to come home and build a box to send some stuff to Juli and Kerne in Seattle.

And then there's the never-ending taxes, which (yes, M, still working on those!) are close to completion--I just don't like the answer I'm getting, so I want to recheck all my figures. Again, the unbidden thought of "and tell me again WHY I'm paying so much, when the big poobahs in Washington don't bother?" Best to just stuff that rebellious thought back in the box.

If I manage to get all this done, I may just decide to stay in my PJs all day tomorrow.

1 comment:


Sounds to me that you will have highly earned a P.J. DAY and just so you know, I have, AT LEAST, loaded the tax software - LOL - so, see I was just kidding to hide my own tax anxiety.

Waiting to hear the results of your Dr. appt.

L, M ;-)