Saturday, February 21, 2009

My Son, the Grownup

Alex called in great excitement Thursday night. He and his friend Doug have placed an offer on a house. While he realizes that this will now lead to the assumption that Doug and he are a "couple" in the context of Seattle-culture, he is willing to ignore that for the eventual benefits of home ownership. I marvel. He is 22 years old, and has joined the ranks of bonafide adulthood in one fell swoop.

He and Doug will also qualify for the "Porkulous Stimulus" 2009, first-time buyer credit of $8000. At least someone I know will be the beneficiary of our tax dollars. I can almost rationalize it now, by thinking I'd be happy to give 8 grand to my son to buy a house.

He also now has a MySpace page for his band, F-Tap, complete with pictures and recorded music:

I can hardly wait to hook up the speakers and hear what the boy has been up to lately. He has written all the songs, and does the backup vocals and drums.

My son--the home-owning rock star! Does it get any prouder than this?

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