Thursday, February 19, 2009

5 am Apple Pie Dreams?

From panic to food, my sleeping life seems to rule my waking life. I awoke this morning with an intense desire to bake an apple pie. Actually, it may have been more of a simple hankering for apple pie for breakfast, but in order to get there, somebody has to make the pie. Thankfully, I know how to do this. I make an awesome apple pie.

It's not a normal apple pie. I make it with a brown sugar and pecan-streusel top crust, and my secret ingredient is a healthy slug of cognac in the filling. I don't even use a recipe anymore, I just dump stuff in and bake the thing until it's all bubbly and brown. Yum.

Since we have company coming today, baking a dessert is a good idea. Dessert has never been one of my normal thoughts in cooking everyday meals, although my kids craved sugar and I've never known Bill to pass up the chance for an after-dinner sweet. My kids never asked "what's for dinner?" but they always asked "what's for dessert?" My answer was usually "get an orange!" or "there are fresh peaches!" Still, they asked daily, and hoped for a different answer.

So, off to baking I go. With an apple pie for dessert, maybe the cousins will discount the clutter and dog hair that permeates our abode.

1 comment:

Hannah said...

I think I'll stop by for a piece of pie!!! Enjoy your company...