Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Rude Awakening

I woke up suddenly in the dark this morning, and in a full-blown panic attack. Pulse rapid, respiration up, sweaty and completely disoriented. Bad dream? Whatever it was, it took a few minutes of being vertical to regain my composure, get myself calmed down and breathing normally again.

Once I was up and moving around, I had the oddest sense of "coming back to myself." It reminded me of the belief in some cultures that your soul leaves your body when you sleep. I'm back now, thankfully, and mostly all together again.

I got most of what I wanted to accomplish done yesterday, except for the housecleaning. That activity always seems to fall into last place on the priority list. Dr. H is referring me to the "Pain Clinic," for some diagnostic procedures. He believes that my overly-agressive scar tissue is strangling a nerve somewhere in there. I assume that once we confirm his suspicion, treatment options will be discussed. It never ends.

Today is dog-bath day. Echo reeks of dogginess, with an overlaid scent of two-day-old-dead-thing. She probably found something disgusting to roll in.

The sun is coming up, and life returns to normal again.

1 comment:


Oh, the things that go bump in the night....................Have a good day, my friend!!

L, M :-)