Monday, October 29, 2007

Ready to go

I slept so well last night. I had many unidentifiable dreams, drifted in and out, got up once at 4 am for a trip to the bathroom, and yet, woke up after the sun came up for once, feeling rested and refreshed.

Dr. Mark is thrilled because his Boston Red Sox won the World Series in four straight games, ending last night. On Saturday, his NE Patriots trounced the whatevers 57-7 or something ridiculous, so he's going to just be impossible to live with for the next few days. Dr. Jo is anxious to get back to her lab to make sure her grad students didn't trash the place or hurt themselves while she was in Kauai, not thinking about them at all, for two weeks. Kona-dog will come home from "camp" today to find that interloper, Echo, in his house. And, Bill & I will mosey on down to the UVA hospital for our stuff around noon. Everyone back to normal, or on our way there.

We'll be cooking and laughing tonight, and every night from now on, if I have my way. No more crying. Just enjoying every single day and night as each comes. I am not nervous or sad or worried or scared. I'm just here, and I'm ready.

1 comment:

terry said...

Pam, you sound great...your positive attitude will help you to heal faster. Love, Terry