Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Details, details.

Today is all about the list-making and calendar-filling, lots of errand-running too.

Bill is off to the dentist this morning for final crown and filling work. I have exercising and cleaning up to do. We both have to map out the time we have here and the time we will be spending up in Virginia. Bill will need to get at least 3 weeks of work in sometime before the end of December, and just how are we going to work that out?

I must quit using the Nicorette immediately--actually, I knew this, I just needed an excuse and this is it. I had already been tapering off, knowing that this was necessary before the surgery. So long, another loss, oh well. I guess now I can go to Singapore with Bill next time without panicking that I'd have to quit chewing nicotine gum (It's against the law to chew any kind of gum in Singapore).

I need to get as rested and as strong & aerobically fit as I can in the next 3 weeks. More oxygen capacity means better anesthesia experiences, less post-op pain, better healing. I know this routine from the neck surgery in 2001. Every bit of work I do now means an easier time later. And it gives me something to do, something that makes me feel that I have a modicum of body control. Also, exercise time is when I get all my current events reading done, and I am SO behind on what's been happening in the world for the past month.

Plenty to do, plenty to keep busy with.


The Texas Bluebonnet said...

Pam -

Best wishes and prayers. I love you and Bill! Aunt Mary Downard

Pam Sink said...

Thank you Aunt Mary (& Jim too!). I'm sending Bill up to Illinois to help Bud on Monday, Oct 15. (That will give me a chance to get the upstairs recarpeted while he's gone--you know, when the cat's away...the redecorating mice will play!) Hopefully, he can scoot over to Indiana and visit on his way home. I expect he will be there for about a week. Hugs to you & the family. Pam