Saturday, July 18, 2009

On the Mend

Things are looking a little cheerier this morning. My swelling continues to abate, and there's just a little residual itching and scratching and ballooning going on. I continue to take the blimp-out steroids, and I've gained back the 10 pounds I worked a month to take off. Sheesh. But the good news is that I no longer look like Elephantitis-Woman, and my hand doesn't feel like it's going to burst any minute. Progress.

I woke up this morning to a faint, odd smell in the house. Not a pleasant smell, kind of a combination of wet dog, sour milk, garbage hanging around too long, old tennis shoes and forgotten gym clothes, and maybe something going bad in the fridge too. Time to saddle up the buckets and mop, and swamp out the place. Sprinkle baking soda on the carpet, scrub down the surfaces, clean the sink drains and Febreeze the furniture. I've been slothful too long.

And because it has been raining every night, it's time to go down to the pond and pick the interminable blackberries again. Their profligate production guilts me. All that free food, just sitting down there, waiting for an energetic person to collect the bounty. I guess that's going to have to be me.

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