Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The calm after the storm

Today was remarkably uneventful, thank heavens! I got the van back down to the field, the Focus is running as if nothing ever happened to its electrical limbic brain (it was a faulty battery/starter relay AND a very dead battery combo that felled the beast), and life is back to normal. Whatever normal is.

Normal is: Dishes and laundry (it never ends), garbage that still needs to be taken to the dump (manana, amigos), and a sorely needed dog hair abatement program. It feels like I'm changing out vacuum bags at the rate of one per day. Not that I vacuum everyday, so there, I'm exaggerating once again.

Bill calls every morning (it's evening to him), as he's been in port for the last few days. He is due to get relieved the next time they make port. His replacement wasn't quite ready to come back yet, and he's not due off until mid-August. But he's a short-timer now. Only about two or three weeks more.

I still haven't made a decision on what car to buy to replace the van. I test drove a Chevy HHR and a Dodge Caliber yesterday. The HHR stands for "Hillbilly Hot Rod," according to the salesman. Somehow, I think he was joking? A very quiet, solid car with some pep, lots of room in the back, but it just didn't fit me. There were some major blindspots, I think due to the bulbous styling and the flat windshield. It made me nervous. The Caliber was cheap and rattly, not very fun to drive. Still looking.

I was out at the pond at sunset tonight, watching the bats eat mosquitoes. I love that! Echo was busy bothering a little box turtle, who was just trying to make his way to the water. A big blue heron was eyeing us warily, as he fished from the dock.

Ah! Back to normal!

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