Sunday, June 15, 2008

Being Careful What I Wish For...

We got the rain yesterday. Deluge time. Driveway gravel-washout rain. Enough to raise the pond a few inches and turn the creeks into roaring torrents. This is good.

But in the South, after the rain, the sun comes out and the world just STEAMS! And a whole new batch of buggies spring forth, as if by magic. Bill and Ray were convinced last night that they had acquired chiggers during their outdoor projects, so they spent the evening coating their lower limbs in olive oil. I am not convinced it is chiggers. I'm not sure I would know a chigger if it bit me. I daubed my bites with vinegar.

When you get all of us together in a room, we smell like a salad.

1 comment:


Ok - so if one or all develop chiggers, you are in the South and need to run to Wal Mart and buy gallons of clear nail polish - it smothers them. When the kids were growing up, my Parents took us with them to Daytona Beach as soon as school was out. Jacob ALWAYS had chiggers and the ocean salt water always cleared him up. So if all else fails, go to the beach!!
M :-)