Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Our life here in the mountains is so simple, I chafe at the smallest things. Today, I need to go to Morristown to Fedex, go to the bank and check the box at the post office, pick up milk and get gas. When I think of what my life was like in "the busy years," it doesn't seem like much at all. Yet, part of me whines internally and wishes I could just stay home today in my jammies, or just take Echo on a long walk, or just stand by the pond feeding the fish all day.

I don't miss the bustle of the city at all. I don't miss the culture, or the good restaurants, or the traffic and constant press of people. I think that time for me is past. My kids revel in being in the heart of Seattle, with all the vibrant goings-on and concerts, street fairs, museums and happenings. I am content to stay on my mountaintop, listen to the birds and watch nature take its course around me.

But we're out of milk, and so, I go.

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