Sunday, June 8, 2008

Renaissance Faire Today

When Bill and I went out to dinner last night, the parking lot was full of other-county license plates and cars with bumper stickers such as "I Brake for Dragons." The Renaissance Fair is in town! We're going to go over and check it out this morning.

It was so hot yesterday, it was suffocating. We went over to Ray's new house and picked pie cherries, chatted with the neighbors and explored the house and overgrown gardens. What a lot of house (and what a lot of clean up he has to do). It's a real fixer-upper, but has a fantastic view and enough fruit coming on that I know what I'm going to be doing come late summer and fall. Ray is arriving later this week, to spend some time getting it painted, repaired and ready to rent. I hope he's planning on spending at least a month, because I think that's what it is going to take!

Poor Echo was really suffering yesterday after her mid-day walk, so I ran a lukewarm bath and we washed the dog (and cooled her off). She seemed actually grateful instead of her usual grumpiness after a bath. She curled her damp self up under the fan and snoozed the afternoon away. The heat is supposed to break by Tuesday, and we'll just hang on until then.

Today, I will make a plan for our anticipated trip up to NY and Massachusetts at the end of June. Once Bill approves the plan, I will write letters to those friends who still refuse to use email and let them know we are coming to town for a short visit. We haven't been up there since we moved, almost 3 years ago. I am looking forward to seeing people. I think Bill is going to see if he still misses it as much as he thinks he does.

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