Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Home Again Today

We laid my dear mother-in-law to rest on Sunday, with a celebratory service at her church of 30 years, Grace United Methodist. The pastor told stories of her zest for life, her infinite curiosity and interjected humor into the somber proceeding. He had only known her from his visits to the nursing home, so he seemed genuinely delighted to retell our stories of the Anne we had known.

A wonderful reception followed the service. Almost all of the family was there, in spite of the horrible weather and bad roads. The church ladies put out homemade cookies and cakes, coffee and iced tea. We supplemented with a large tray of fruit and another of meats and cheeses. We told stories, renewed acquaintances, and laughed much.

We then repaired to the Super 8 motel where we were staying, and then on to the Szechuan Palace, where our group of 20 chowed down on mega-dishes of Chinese Food. This family can certainly put away the food!

I spent yesterday with Bill, Bud and Carolyn. We seem to have a peaceful closure. Through the ceremonies we participated in, in the gathering of family and friends, it seems as though the last five years when she was functionally "gone" have now receded, supplanted by all the memories of the Anne we all loved and treasured. It is an unexpected blessing to have those memories back at the end.

Bill and Bud are down at the VA hospital in St. Louis this morning. Carolyn and I are driving down to meet up with them at Aunt Millie's house in Alton. Then cousins will take Carolyn to the airport and Bill and I will get on the road towards home.

Oh, and I got an email this morning that we have been approved as potential Malinois parents, whenever we are ready.

Blue skies and clear highways ahead.

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