Thursday, December 3, 2009

Poor Neglected Blog...

Where have I been for a week? Here, just slogging through life.

Thanksgiving was just the two of us, so there was no giant 28 pound turkey, children running through the house, oldsters sleeping in chairs or other holiday traditions. I roasted a chicken for Bill and myself, burnt the stuffing when he came home late from deer hunting, steamed some broccoli, and forgot to put cream in the onions. A total lackadaisical Thanksgiving. We had a nice meal and watched football together.

The rest of the week has been a blur. I'm listing auctions, going to work at the library, doing the first of the month chores like changing furnace filters, checking salt in the water softener, dosing the septic system with bio-spores. I cook, whenever Bill shows up home from the woods, cold and hungry. I knit, I read, I sleep. Just ho-hum life.

I'm gearing up to wrap Christmas presents and send them out to my far-flung family. I expect Christmas will be as quiet as Thanksgiving was.

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