Thursday, September 10, 2009

Computer Blues

It started a few days before Bill came home. The computer that Alex built for himself in 2003 began getting cranky about booting up in the morning. It would begin its routine and then click off. I'd turn it off at the power strip and try again. And again. Sometimes it would boot on the fifth or eighth or tenth try. I thought it might be an electrical problem with the I/O switch.

In the meantime, my computer (the cadged-together monstrosity, rebuilt many times with spit and duct tape and cannibalized parts from other dead or dying past computers) has been suffering from some sort of old-age, slow-down malady. It was becoming impossible to list eBay auctions without going crazy--one listing could take up to 20 minutes to complete.

Tuesday I unplugged everything from Bill's computer and hauled it off to Bean Station to Steve's Hospital for Ailing Computers. With luck, I could get a quick fix on Bill's machine, contract with Steve to build a new computer for me and my business, and all would be well.

So much for my hopeful expectations. As soon as Steve took the cover off, he spotted the problem. Leaky capacitors, right there on the motherboard. The CPU is old and trashed. A complete brain overhaul is needed. Ch-Ching!

I came home without Bill's machine, and a bill for two new computers. We are limping along with my developmentally-challenged computer until parts arrive from Chicago. Our best guess is that we will be back up and running by Monday. Bill is already showing alarming signs of internet withdrawal.

It's going to be a long weekend coming up...

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