Thursday, March 5, 2009

First Peeper of Spring

Last night, Bill and I checked out the "new" Mexican restaurant in town (in the same building as our old favorite, El Pueblito), La Parrilla. It was yummy, and mine was downright spicy.

As we got out of the car at the top of the driveway, I heard one solitary peeper (frog, for you urban folk) down by the pond. It was only one, and it sounded a bit forelorn in its isolation, but it is the first sure harbinger of Spring. Yes, the daffodils are starting to poke up through the earth, but the sound of peepers, even just one, confirms it.

On spring evenings, the cacaphony of peepers is so loud, it's hard to get a word in edgewise up at the house.

Today is sunny, and has the promise of actually getting warm.

When the poison ivy starts growing, then I'll know we're on our way for sure!


Hannah said...

I saw crocus blooming on Rogers Street Tuesday!


Our peepers have been making loud sounds in the "holler" now for about 2 weeks - surprised me that they started so early - I think they were a little confused!!!! With 2 ponds and wetlands, we would never be able to keep the windows open at night!!!