Saturday, March 7, 2009

CT Results...sort of...

Dr. DaSilva called yesterday to tell me that the CT "looks" benign, but there's no way to really tell for sure, so he wants to repeat the scan in 3 months to see if the spots (plural now) are growing.

Sigh. I knew this is what they would say. Or, they'd say they didn't find anything, so they would need to do a biopsy. There are no definitive negatives in this business. It's only when they find something bad that they are sure and willing to say so.

So, I'm back in the Land of Limbo, and cautioned "not to worry." You bet. No problem.

I finally got tired of the patches falling off, so I had Bill tape them on. Now, the removal of the tape each morning has irritated the skin to the point where I can't use the patches until I heal.
However, I find I am getting more relief from the anti-inflammatory gel anyway.

Marching on....

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