Friday, September 28, 2007

MRI Today at UVA

I'm an old hand at MRIs because of my neck surgery. I can lie perfectly still for 35 minutes without twitching or getting claustrophobic, no problem. This one was new though, because I was face down, earplugged, muffled and cushioned with rubber forms and pillows, and buffetted by a breeze blowing through it--very weird. It was interesting trying to stay perfectly immobile and still BREATHE (I don't really think they expect you to hold your breath for 35 minutes, do they? They must calibrate for chest movement so you still get oxygen, right?)

Then afterward the tech told me I might have some trouble getting through traffic--seems that Bob Dylan is in concert at UVA tonight.

Not that I had a choice, but I had a hard time deciding which I would rather do: listen to that old fossil sing? Or lie swathed in a windy tube making up my own harmonics & tunes set to the rythyms generated by the MRI, sort of a "Blue Man Group" medley, or a vacuum cleaner -humming game?

One test down, many more to go. Setting out for home tomorrow morning.

1 comment:



I still think you should have gone to see Bob Dylan sing - LOL. Glad you made it through the test. Sorry I didn't get to actually talk to you. Will talk to you soon.
