Sunday, September 23, 2007

I'm going to try this "blogging" thing, despite the fact that Bill hates even just the word "Blog," for reasons beyond my understanding. Much of what has happened in the last 2 weeks is beyond my understanding too, so perhaps there is symmetry there.

I have been diagnosed with breast cancer, and am still trying to process that fact.
It IS a fact, despite my inner voice telling me that "no, no, that's not my ticket number, I didn't even enter the sweepstakes!" My life is now completely out of my control (as if it was ever really?), and I keep telling myself the words of Bette Davis' scriptwriter, "Hang on, it's going to be a bumpy ride."

Life is going to get complicated and communication with family and friends spread all over the country is going to get more difficult. I've decided to use this forum as a way to keep everyone informed (whoever wants to be), and also as a self-edited journal for the days ahead. That way if I am unable to answer emails personally right away, you'll know what is happening.

Here are my self-imposed rules --My rules, because it's MY BLOG (there Bill, I said it!):

I will not be writing my deepest darkest thoughts, though I doubt that I'm going to be insufferably perky either. I'll try to write as objectively as I can, and what I write will be the truth but not always the WHOLE truth. If a post is gloomy or gross, I will warn you up top so you can decide for yourself whether or not you want to read it.

You are allowed to post questions or comments for me on the blog--be aware that they will be able to be read by other visitors to the site. If you have a private question for me, please email me at and I will get back to you the soonest I possibly can, and it may be a day or a week or two.

You have my permission to give others this blogsite address, if you think it would help someone you know who is going through the same thing right now or in the future. Please do not give this blogsite address to people who are past-survivors, cure-mongers, cult-followers, or anyone you don't know personally--if in doubt, send me a private email first. This is for family, friends & myself.

Other than that, anything goes. You can take this "journey" with me or not, your choice--and believe me, if you don't want to, I understand THAT feeling completely! I would rather be doing anything but this, but I don't have a choice.

Welcome, and thank you--I treasure your friendship.



The Texas Bluebonnet said...

Pam & Bill - Best of luck to both of you! Wade knows what Bill is going to have to handle.... Since I've been there, you can call anytime, especially when you're having a rough day. Jan


Way to go with your blog. Keep it up and I'll keep checking back. Let me know whatever I can do to help!!
