Sunday, September 30, 2007

At last, a dream!

I finally had a dream, or at least was able to remember one.

I was walking in a beautiful garden, but it was a "cartoon" landscape, kind of a Pixar-animated garden, not a real one. My hair was longer and blond, and was fanned straight up and out from my head. Each strand of my hair was held out by a large black-bodied butterfly with yellow and white wings, so I was actually walking with my head in a cloud of thousands of these butterflies.

I stopped walking when a formation of these butterflies parted out and sectioned my hair on the top of my head, and I remember thinking "this is going to hurt," when they suddenly flew outward and pulled out the first section of hair from right on top of my head, just behind my bangs. But I felt no pain, and I watched as they flew away with that section of my hair over to a grassy mat of cartoon lawn and laid it down.

One butterfly folded his wings and started barking orders, while the others who had flown away with my hair started flying in-and-out with each other, weaving my hair into kind of a "potholder" thing on the grass. At one point, the foreman looked up at me (still with all my hair suspended around my head by all the other butterflies), and signalled to another management type I couldn't see. No, he didn't need any more hair, that would do it. Fade out.

Mom, the interpreter of all our family dreams, says this is SO easy. The butterflies are all the doctors who are using all their skills to "fix" me. From that, she says, I can figure out the rest.

So, off I go today, back to Virginia to continue the process of getting fixed. Bill and Echo are coming, because this will be a two-night stay and I probably will not feel up to driving on Tuesday after my tests on Monday. I am not tired of the drive yet, but I am already tired of the food offerings along the way. Today, I will pack a picnic lunch of real food so we can eat outside at a rest stop and enjoy the sunshine.

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