Monday, November 3, 2008

Four Days To Go

I am adding things to my list faster than I'm crossing off the things I already have on the list. This does not bode well for an on-time departure.

I simply must wash the dog before we go. She reeks of odiferous dogginess. The idea of spending 2700 miles in the car smelling her presence is more than I can take. As soon as Joe hooks up the hand-held shower, into the new tub Echo will go! Then she will be mad at me for a few days following that activity.

I have to do laundry before I can pack a suitcase for myself, and I might as well change the sheets too, so I can come home to a fresh bed. Then there's the fridge. Thankfully, friends have offered to take my onions, potatoes, fresh produce, milk, eggs etc. so it won't go to waste, or worse, sit in the fridge rotting for months. Better add a last minute run to the dump to that list too.

I'll just keep on plugging away at it. Friday is the day!

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