Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Denver in 3

I am in Denver this morning, waiting for my brain to catch up to my body that has traveled 1500 miles in three days. I'm more than halfway there, and I'll spend today resting while the weather does its nasty snowing-spitting thing.

The trip thus far:

Leaving TN at the Cumberland Gap Tunnel:

Staying at Jean's in beautiful Midway, KY:

Coming in to St. Louis (Look for the Arch!):

Rainbow out on the Missouri prairie:

Windfarm in western Kansas:

Yesterday tested my old NY winter-driving skills. It snowed from the Kansas-Colorado border for 150 miles, finally turning to good old-fashioned rain about 20 miles before Denver. I knew it was safe to keep going, because the Denver radio station kept telling me it was 40 degrees and partly cloudy skies ahead. I tucked in behind a big semi and kept plugging along at a safe speed.

Mission accomplished. I arrived at Bill's sister's house around 3:30.

Today, I shall putter and plan the next great leap forward. If the weather clears over the Rockies, I'll be back on the road again tomorrow.

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