Saturday, September 25, 2010

Revenge of the Arachnids

Ozzy is an early riser. I mean, REALLY early, when it's still oh-dark-thirty outside. Staggering up to Oz's whines, stumbling to the door without glasses, I usually just open the door and walk him out to the backyard.

For some reason this morning (being thoroughly still asleep), I just opened the door and let him go out by himself. Good thing, because when I finally did focus, this was what was just inside the door frame at eye level:

I can only assume that this web was meant to catch ME, the villain who pillaged through the spider community a few days ago:

Yes, it's beautiful and it took Mr. or Ms. Spidey all night to "knit," but come on--a web designed to catch my entire upper torso at 5:30 am before I've had my coffee? Not nice.

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