Thursday, April 9, 2009

We're Cookin'

Juli and Kerne made it to TN last night, and after a late-supper of scrambled eggs and bacon, collapsed into sleep.

Juli and I have been puttering in the kitchen all morning. We've made the charoset, the gefilte-crab, grated the horseradish and beets, boiled the eggs, made a pineapple angel's food cake, and stuffed the lamb with garlic and put it in the oven. All we have left to do is roast the potatoes (I decided against the trouble and calories of latkes) and steam the asparagus.

In addition, Kerne dug holes so I could plant a peony, 3 squash seedlings and a row of cucumbers (my last cucumbers succumbed to the snow a few days ago, when I forgot to cover them overnight).

Bill is finishing up his "shoring up the deck foundations" project, in between yelling at the TV over the Maersk Alabama story. He got his travel documents last night from Maersk--he'll be leaving early Monday morning.

Now we are just relaxing and enjoying the day. Tomorrow will be stormy and rainy, so we are soaking up the sunshine and smelling the wafting roast aromas as they fill the house on the spring breeze.

1 comment:



So glad J & K made it safe and sound. Sounds like you guys are cooking up a storm. When are you going to make K chop the wood and tote that barge - LOL - just kidding - that really didn't make sense, did it? Enjoy!!!!

L, M :-)

P.S. So glad B doesn't have to leave until Monday!!!!