Friday, April 3, 2009

While the Bill-cat is away...

My "quiet time" is about to come to an end. Bill comes home from Florida tomorrow, then Juli & Kerne arrive on Wednesday for a 10-day visit. So it's feast or famine around here, chaos or solitude. Bill will probably ship out for his 120-day cruise before the kids leave, but at least we'll have some good family time, including Passover, Easter and Juli's 26th birthday while they are here.

Last night, friend Melanie and I went to "A Taste of Morristown," a fundraiser for the local Girl's Club. Thirty-one vendors gave out samples of their tasty food, coupons and giveaways. You'd think that just one bite from each booth wouldn't be much, but we were busting our buttons before we were even halfway through the lines.

Today is Medical Errand Day in Kingsport, including a visit to Mr. Acupuncture. I've had a little relapse this week on the pain front, and the dreaded hot flashes are back. I think my body has finally adjusted to the anti-depressant, and now it wants MORE! to keep the heats at bay. I'm not crazy about upping the dosage, so I'll ask Mr. Acupuncture to work on that problem too.

My gyn doesn't like my bone density numbers after all, and is prescribing a biphosphenate to prevent further bone loss. So I too have become one of those people on multiple maintenance medications I used to feel such pity for, when I worked in the pharmacy.

In my head, I'm still somewhere in my forties. In reality, I'm in my late fifties, and falling apart!

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