Friday, November 12, 2010

Why am I awake at 5 am?

Things are shaping up. Bill is at sea now, I am slowly working through my list of "To Dos," and even Ozzy is settling down a little bit. So why am I wide awake at 5, thinking of more things to put on the list?

Yesterday, I made hundreds of cookies and scores of chocolate-covered caramels--gifts for my co-workers to give before I leave, lest they think I am getting out of town to avoid them during the holidays. And I rented one of Ray's houses, interviewed the new property manager, and got a line on a tenant for the other house, due to be vacant Dec. 20.

The car is serviced. The house is still a wreck. I am leaving for California a week from today.

All I have left to do is:

Plant 9 trees in the new orchard
Empty the water barrels so they don't freeze
Shut down the house systems
Go to the dump (several times)
Pick up my new glasses
Return the plumbing parts to Henard's
Pay bills
Remember what to pack
Pack (for what kind of weather, I wonder?)
Gather Dog stuff
Revise phone list
Don't forget Juli's jam!
Figure out what knitting to take
Christmas gifts!
Rental keys
Forward mail

Not such a bad, long list. So why am I awake at 5 am?

1 comment:

Christina said...

Hi Pam!

I know how you feel. I'm only making little 5-day trips to Orange County to see my folks, but despite having 10-12 weeks notice, I never pack, water my plants, do dishes, etc. until 20 minutes before my bus is coming for the airport.

I find the dread of doing chores nicely mutes excessive anticipation.

Anyway, are you going to be swinging north during your trip?