Thursday, October 1, 2009

One Sick Puppy

Echo is a fighter. She's miserable, but she keeps on trying to rally her strength. Once again, we traveled to the vet yesterday morning. Dog-doc gave her a litre of fluids via IV, shot her up with antibiotics, and Echo came home exhausted. She spent the day and evening not moving, flopped out on the floor.

She did drink a little water last night, when I cupped it in my hand and held it under her nose. Eventually, she got motivated enough to lap it out of her water dish, when I pushed it close so she could reach it without getting up to her feet.

Sometime in the night, she moved herself up onto the couch! This morning, she perked up her ears when I asked her if she wanted to go out. She got herself off the couch without help, went outside to do her business, and came back on her own. This is a huge improvement.

Bill has taken her to the vet this morning by himself, as I have to be at work at noon. We're just hoping she will respond to all this medical intervention and start getting better soon.

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